
   Hyde Park


Our courts are open only to homeowners and their guests. 
Guests are allowed on the courts only when the homeowner is present.

Pickleball Rules | The Definitive Beginner's Resource to How to Play Pickleball


CLICK to download the 2022 Pickleball Rulebook

Two new outdoor Pickleball courts are ready for play.


Hyde Park’s tennis court has been cleaned and painted and marked for Pickleball. New windscreens are on order.


Some things to know:
Reservations are not required. If you are playing, please limit your time to 30 minutes or less if someone else wants to play.


If both courts are in use and someone arrives to play, the players who have been on the courts the longest should relinquish their court for the new group within 30 minutes.


The nets are portable. One net will be left up. To play tennis, simply pick up the net and set it by the fence.


If the other court is needed, please ask Jeff Black, Chris Spriggs or Paula Wise to help set up the net for it.


The courts are secured with a combination padlock (Code:8450). Please secure the courts when leaving.


Bring your own Pickleball balls. The light switch is on a pole near the east entrance. Please turn off the lights when you leave. Please wear court shoes. Street shoes are not allowed. Glass containers are not allowed. A trash container is in the BBQ area. Residents may bring guests or relatives, but a resident must remain with them.

Click to learn how to play a doubles game with just TWO players






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Jim Weems

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