Tom Huston Orr is well known for his performance as Will Rogers. While living in New York, Orr put together a one-man show about the man who also was known as “The Poet Lariat of the United States.” 


In 2013, Tom was cast as Will in the Lyric Theater version of “ The Will Rogers Follies” in Oklahoma City.
“I'm excited about being a Will in this show who can really rope,” Orr said during a rehearsal break. “I was spinning a rope when I was 12 years old. Years later, I would practice on the rooftops of buildings in New York, and people would watch me from their windows.”
Orr's fascination with Rogers ultimately led him to audition for “The Will Rogers Follies."
The musical's title role places enormous demands on a performer who, in addition to acting, must sing, dance, tell jokes, demonstrate his skill with a rope, and play various musical instruments. It's a set of responsibilities Orr said he doesn't take lightly.
“From the trick roping and harmonica playing to the singing, dancing, and my leading lady's voice, I have a few things to step up to,” Orr said. “Will has been an incredibly important figure to me my entire life." 
Hyde Park and their guests are in for an amazing experience!


$60.00 per person fee
includes bus transportation,
dinner, tour, and live performance


Join our host, Linda Bradshaw,
for an “Evening with Will” at the beautiful
Will Rogers Memorial Museum in Claremore.
We will depart Hyde Park by
charter bus from the Cluhouse at 4:30 pm
arriving at the memorial around 5:15 pm
On arrival, we will have a “Rib Crib” dinner.
We can tour the museum from 6:00 to 6:45 pm
At 7pm we will enter the
Will Rogers stage theater for a live show featuring
Tom Huston Orr's one-man performance of
"Will Rogers Remembered."
We will depart the Memorial at 8 pm
arriving at Hyde Park around 8:30

Meet at the Hyde Park Clubhouse at 4:10 pm on Tuesday, April 22, 2025

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