A simple print, cut, and fold Hyde Park paper airplane.


Download this special plane for the May 19
Social Hour Send-Off
for the Miniellys.



Click for easy to

follow instructions

This is going to be SO MUCH FUN!

Each Event


Will Receive

the Coveted
HP Paper Airplane

Wine Mug.

Hyde Park Airport

Your hosts are
Jim & Barb Weems & Xan & Jeff Black 
The contest entry fee has been waved. 
There is NO entry fee per plane now.
RSVP by email to  Jim Weems


Paper Airplane Making Contest


This is a FREE fun

activity to start event.


Using only provided materials you will build a paper airplane that will carry a payload of 3 pennies the greatest distance.


This will be done in the Dining Room. Making the plane is a timed event. There is no entry fee for this challenge.


Pre-Made Contest

This is the Bring-Your-Own-Plane contest. See the other big yellow box. There is no entry fee.

Any fees mentioned
in earlier postings have
all been waved.


All contests are for
homeowners only

Only shoes such as tennis shoes, court shoes,
running shoes, or shoes certified as non-marking
are allowed inside the Pickleball court.

This event is concurrent with our 5pm Friday Social Hour.

Plan on bringing a food or dessert item to share.

Later, we will turn the Pickleball court into the

Friday, May 26 is
National Paper Airplane Day

So Let's Have a Contest!



Use your creativity, problem-solving skills, persistence, cunning, and curiosity to create paper airplanes for entry in the following contests:

Pre-Made Division: No motors or batteries! 

• Greatest Distance • Closest to target
• Maneuverability • Aesthetics

Pre-Made Paper Airplane Specifications:


No motors or batteries! That's it. OK, gotta make it

out of paper but you decide what kind of paper.

Hey, if you can make toilet paper fly, go for it.

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It is not available for public viewing.

Please do not share or link to this webpage.